Pre-Project questions
To help us tailor our solution to your specific needs, we kindly ask you to provide answers to the following technical questions when reaching out to us. These questions will also serve as the foundation for discussions during our initial technical calls. The more information you can provide us here, the better we can prepare the project.
In what type of environment will the system be deployed?
(For example, a camera is mounted on the roof of a car to record the surrounding environment, or an in-car camera captures the driver and aims to read eye tracking.) -
What objects or scenes will be visible in the images or videos?
Where will the cameras be mounted?
Is your use case related to Blurring or Deep Natural Anonymization (DNAT)?
Data Type
Will the solution process videos or images?
PIIs (Personally Identifiable Information)
What type of data will be anonymized—faces, bodies, license plates, or all?
What kind of environment will the system operate in?
(For example, the deployment could take place in a dedicated data center without an internet connection or on a company's AWS instance.) -
Do you prefer deployment in the cloud, a private network, or on your own servers?
Will the data be streamed, buffered, or can it be stored?
Data Format
What is the format of the input data (e.g., MDF4, .mov, .png)?
What is the File codec (H264, H265)?
What is the encoding (H.264, VP9, HEVC/H.265, JPEG, PNG etc)?
Data Resolution
What resolution has the processed data (FHD, 4k, 720p)?
Frame Rate
If the input is video, what frame rate (FPS) is required?
Maximum Throughput
How many images or video hours need to be processed per hour or per day?
What is the estimated total volume per year?
File Size/File Length
What is the size range of the input files?
For videos, what is the average file length and size?
Updated about 2 months ago